
Deep Lines, Teeth Grinding, Excess Sweating? There’s More to Anti-Wrinkle Injections Than You Think

We all know of anti-wrinkle injections, and as the name suggests, most of us will have associated this popular aesthetic treatment with the effective reduction of wrinkles. At my aesthetic clinic in Hale, Altrincham, I regularly deliver anti-wrinkle injections to patients who leave with bigger smiles and far fewer lines. However, the needle knows more than to nip the bud in visible signs of ageing. Increasingly I am giving these injections as treatment for hyperhidrosis – or excess sweating – and bruxism – or teeth grinding. As a qualified and experienced aesthetic nurse, I want to shed some light on the conventional uses of anti-wrinkle injections but also the lesser known conditions which are highly responsive to this treatment.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections – Does What it Says On the Tin

In spite of scientific advancements, ageing is still an irreversible fact of life. However, we can certainly make changes to our lifestyle to slow down the process and using anti-wrinkle injections can delay the visible ageing process whilst helping you to maintain a natural-looking youthful complexion.

Botulinum toxin, commonly referred to as Botox, is one of the most frequently used anti-wrinkle injections. In causing the facial muscles to relax, lines and wrinkles can be prevented before they form. Where there are existing lines and wrinkles, the formula can be combined with dermal fillers and advanced skincare products to revitalise the skin, increase collagen production, and return youthful elasticity. We should all feel fantastic at whatever age. If the ageing process is getting you down, get in touch for a free consultation where together we can create a treatment plan to get the spring back into your step and confidence shining from your face.

Beat Bruxism with Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Awake or in sleep, many of us grind or clench our teeth. Not only can it cause painful side effects including headaches and jaw pain, it also severely damages the teeth leading to expensive dental care.

The subconscious grinding and clenching is caused by the over-activity of the masseter muscle which is responsible for moving the jaw. By injecting small doses of Botox directly into this muscle works to weaken it by relaxation, enough to prevent or significantly reduce the grinding.

Anti-wrinkle injections are not a cure for bruxism, but they do effectively control the activity of the masseter muscle and patients see significant improvements in their everyday life since the previous suffering from side effects has stopped. If you are

struggling with teeth grinding, please get in touch for a free consultation.

Healing Hyperhidrosis with Anti-Wrinkle Injections

The treatment has been approved in the UK since 2001 for the purpose of permanently counteracting hyperhidrosis.

Sweating is a natural bodily reaction to regulate temperature. However, excessive perspiration can cause distress and anxiety to the 30% of the population suffering from hyperhidrosis and are embarrassed about seeking help. Those with the condition will notice excess sweat in the armpits, palms of the hands and soles of the feet as these areas have a high concentration of eccrine glands, the sweat-

producing glands.

The anti-wrinkle injections work by delivering small doses of pure protein to the

skin which subsequently block the action of the nerves supplying the eccrine glands. Without the nervous recognition, the glands cannot produce sweat. Patients are invited to the KP aesthetics where I aim to make them feel entirely at ease. I ensure that it is only the patient and I in the clinic when a patient arrives for consultation, enabling a discreet and respectful process.

Is hyperhidrosis hampering your confidence? Don’t sweat it! Feeling comfortable in our own skin is so important. If excess sweating is stopping that, please get in touch for a free consultation.


Problems with Pigmentation? These Aesthetic Treatments Can Have You Showing Off Instead of Covering

Most of us will experience uneven skin tone at points throughout our life. It may be something that we are born with, or that arises from sun damage, hormonal changes, infections, scarring, or very commonly ageing. Where these patches of pigmentation are visibly different from our natural skin tone, it can have a damaging effect on our self-esteem. At my aesthetic clinic in Hale, Altrincham I provide a number of non-surgical treatments which effectively diminish uneven skin tones. We all deserve to look and feel fantastic; here I share the best pigmentation treatments available at KP Aesthetics.

What Do We Mean by Pigmentation?

Our skin colour is determined by a pigment called melanin. The concentration of melanin in our skin will decide our skin tone. This colour, or pigmentation, is usually down to our genetics, but there a number of other influences that can cause hyperpigmentation (darker patches) or hypopigmentation (lighter patches)

Pigmentation Treatments at KP Aesthetics

When pigmentation is kicking at your confidence, I can offer the following treatments to put the smile back onto your face and the spring into your step.

ZO Skincare Plan

ZO skincare is a range of premium products designed to help you achieve and maintain balanced, healthy, and even skin. As well as being an effective treatment for abnormal pigmentation, the range of products can be used to combat oily skin, acne, sun damage, and lines and wrinkles. These products are only available with a prescription. During our consultation I can learn about you and your unique skin at which point we can create a ZO treatment plan with the products that are most suited to your skin problem, and the desired effect.

Chemical Peels

An uneven skin tone can be the result of ageing, acne scarring, as well as a number of other factors. Peels work by resurfacing, exfoliating and remodelling the skin. The treatment reveals clear and even, youthful looking skin. At KP Aesthetics we offer three chemical peels, though the following two are most suited to pigmentation problems and together we can decide which will work best for your skin.

Enerpeel – Also known as ‘The Inner Peel’, Enerpeel is less abrasive than many other types of peel. The active ingredient in Enerpeel is absorbed in the deeper layers of skin, meaning that it can achieve results without leaving rashes or marks on the skin’s surface. It can be used to control acne, rosacea, and pigmentation, and its rejuvenating effect can reduce the signs of ageing.

The Perfect Peel – The Perfect Peel can deliver youthful, healthy looking skin after just one treatment. It contains an antioxidant which can even out patches of pigmentation, slow down the ageing process and reduce the appearance of scars.

Xela Rederm

This revolutionary aesthetic treatment was introduced to the UK in 2015.The process is referred to as redermalisation and is a multi-functional treatment that works by injecting a solution of hyaluronic acid and succinic acid into the skin. Together, these ingredients hydrate the skin, stimulate collagen production, and significantly reduce the appearance of dark circles and pigmentation.

If problematic pigmentation is getting you down, get in touch with KP Aesthetics and together we can take the steps to a smooth and even skin tone.


Introducing Laser Hair Removal Treatment at KP Aesthetics – and Why You Should Book Now!

Laser hair removal has been spoken of for some time and has grown in popularity as the best method for getting rid of our unwanted body hair – for good! From toes to armpits, and backs to bikini lines, the treatment promises lasting smooth skin. This is why we’re very excited to introduce it to our wonderful clients at KP Aesthetics in Hale, Altrincham.

The word ‘laser’ may leave some of us feeling a little intimidated. However, as a qualified aesthetic nurse with thorough professional training, I promise to put you at ease. Here, I share with you the wonders of laser hair removal and why you should book your first appointment today.

How does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Laser hair removal works by directing a concentrated beam of light at the treatment area. This light is then absorbed by the pigment thereby damaging the hair follicle and causing destruction to the root. When the root is destroyed, it can no longer produce hair. Laser hair removal is effective on large areas as well as small. The treatment takes place over a number of sessions because hair follicles are active in cycles. Therefore, in the first treatment the follicles with actively growing hair can be destroyed, but the inactive cells will need to be targeted in the next session. This process is repeated until you are happy with your beautifully smooth skin.

Why Switch to Laser Hair Removal?

We all have our preferences which are usually one or a combination of shaving, waxing, removal creams. Each comes with its pros and cons; however laser hair removal is overwhelmingly in favour of the pros. In an average of six sessions you can expect to live your life without the hassle of spending time and money on a six-weekly wax, or constantly staying longer in the shower to shave, or having your skin irritated by another tube of hair removal cream. Unlike the pain experienced time and again on the waxing table, or by the nick of a razor blade, laser hair removal only causes minor pain and discomfort. You should anticipate a little discomfort up to two days after each treatment and for any exposed area, be sure to apply plentiful SPF lotions for a few days.

Give Your Body a Confidence Boost

When it comes to appearances, we are our own worst critic. Unwanted body hair which is visible to any extent is more apparent to us than to anyone else. In spite of this, it can really kick at our confidence. A lot of people who opt for laser hair removal will choose for the sake of convenience. Practically permanent and with minimal side effects, it is certainly an advocate for timely resolutions to the fuzzy bits on our body. However, where we have particularly dark or thick hair, on our face for example, laser hair removal can be something of a saving grace. Laser hair removal treatment is proven to be very effective on even dark and thick hair. Since it works gently and precisely, small areas such as the upper lip, in between the eyebrows, and the nose can enduringly benefit from the laser treatment leaving you looking and feeling fabulous.

Laser Hair Removal For Men

That’s right; hair removal isn’t designated to the ladies alone. And men are becoming more and more aware of it. Across the board we have seen an enormous rise in men’s interest in aesthetic treatments as the men’s health, hair and beauty, and skincare market has experienced exponential growth. Covering everywhere from head to toe, laser hair removal is the best solution to eradicating unwanted hair which is ordinarily thicker on men than women. It also prevents ingrown hairs that frequently arise from shaving and waxing. Oh, and there should be no fear of the pain suffered in a particular scene of a certain Steve Carrel film at the hand of waxing; laser hair removal causes minor discomfort and leaves a sensation similar to sunburn for up to a couple of days after treatment.

If you would like to learn more about hair removal treatment at KP Aesthetics, or want to take the first steps with a consultation, please get in touch.


Are Charcoal Face Masks All They’re Cracked Up to Be?

– Or rather than cracked, perhaps we should say stretched, stuck, peeled.

Activated Charcoal face masks have been condensing YouTube, magazines, and shop shelves for some time, with the promise of clear, smooth skin. Since it seems to have taken the beauty and skincare markets by storm, should we too be jumping in line to get our fill of black, gloopy – stuff? As an aesthetics nurse I ask, what is the science behind this craze? How exactly does our skin benefit from its application, if at all?

The Idea Behind Charcoal Face Masks

Activated charcoal has been used for centuries as a skincare ingredient; only recently has it hit the mainstream. It is said that charcoal can absorb and extract dirt and excess oil which clogs up our pores producing spots and a dull complexion. For this reason, charcoal is often associated with and seen accompanying acne treatments.

The key is activated charcoal. Unlike the clumps of coal we hope to use on the BBQ this spring and summer, activated charcoal has a spongy structure which makes it more absorbent. This enables it to soak up the dirt, dead skin cells and excess oils trapped in our pores. Its presence in a face mask should allow these impurities to be extracted and rinsed away thereby clearing blemishes, reducing the appearance of spots, and encouraging skin cell renewal. In short, you should be left with cleaner, clearer skin.

Charcoal Face Masks: Pain is Gain?

You may have done some research into activated charcoal products yourself. You may have involuntarily, or out of curiosity, watched one or two, or more of the plethora of viral YouTube videos documenting the excruciating peeling off of these face masks. If that’s the case, you are probably already familiar with the equally agonising disappointment when the stretchy sheet is not filled with the contents of your clogged pores.

It seems that once the tears have stopped streaming, and the redness of a swollen face begins to ease, what’s left is very smooth skin. However, the reason our skin feels soft after is because we have effectively stripped our face of all the tiny (vellus) hairs and a surface layer of skin. The face has essentially suffered an extreme exfoliation that in addition to ripping away skin cells and baby hairs, has also taken the balanced natural oils that keep our skin healthy and hydrated.

Aesthetic Treatments for Acne-Prone Skin

Many people turn to activated charcoal face masks to reduce the appearance of acne or break outs. However, there is very little, if any, viable research into the effectiveness of these face masks. There are a number of non-surgical treatments that are scientifically proven to effectively target these particular skin conditions. At my aesthetics clinic in Hale, Altrincham, I help clients with mild to severe acne. During a free consultation, we are able to put together a bespoke treatment plan that best manages and cures their skin problem and skin-type whilst absolutely ensuring safety and support. A popular and effective method uses ZO Skincare treatments, a range of prescription products which help to achieve and maintain balanced, healthy skin whilst reducing redness.

From the KP Aesthetics Clinic, we are proud to treat a myriad of skin-conditions, from acne to ageing. I work with a desire to restore confidence from the best skincare products and treatments available. Get in touch to take the first step in repairing your self-esteem, without the agony of a skin-screaming charcoal face mask!


5 Everyday Ways You Can Slow Down the Signs of Ageing

Ageing is unavoidable. It certainly isn’t something to be ashamed of. However, as the signs of ageing etch into our skin, taking away luminosity and elasticity, it can be a real blow to our confidence and self-esteem. At my aesthetics clinic in Hale, Altrincham, I help a number of patients take back control of their happiness with a variety of anti-ageing treatments. I want to share with you the lifestyle choices that can slow the appearance of wrinkles, dark eyes, and loss of volume, and that serve to preserve our youth.

Food Glorious Food

A healthy balanced diet is of course the route to longer life and overall wellbeing. There are however, a number of foods with qualities that specifically help to promote a youthful complexion, and slow the signs of ageing. Every anti-ageing nutritionist will rave about the benefits of blueberries. Packed with antioxidants and vitamin C, they can prevent long-term cell damage whilst keeping your skin smooth and clear. Tomatoes, figs, pomegranate, and peaches work similarly with high concentrations of vitamin C and antioxidants that assist in skin tissue regeneration and removal of dark circles under your eyes. Carrots, full of vitamin A, aid in the production of collagen and encourage clear skin. Nuts, for their unsaturated fats and high protein content, and salmon for its specific anti-ageing anti-oxidants, are also super foods in anti-wrinkle skincare.

Exercise Regularly

It isn’t some new ground-breaking claim. Exercise is really good for us – for all sorts of reasons. Let’s focus on the benefits exercise has on our skin. Sweating is a bit like having a mini-facial; dilated pores from sweating expel trapped dirt and oil, promoting clear and clean skin. The increased blood flow carries oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells and transports waste products, including damaging and ageing free radicals away from the


Follow a Daily Skincare Routine

Each morning it can be tempting to roll further into our duvets at the sound of the alarm. Ten more minutes tucked up may seem like a good idea at the time, but if your skin could talk it would say otherwise. A morning skincare routine is an essential part to keeping your face fresh and youthful. Cleansing, exfoliation, applying a serum, staying hydrated and wearing a minimum SPF15 moisturiser should be prioritised over pretending that the day isn’t waiting for you. Likewise, before bed ensure you cleanse your skin to remove dead skin cells, dirt and makeup that have built up throughout the day. There are moisturisers promising miracles and those that actually do help, and all sorts of face washes and serums that are specially formulated for different skin-types. Be sure to do some research into which will work best for your skin.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

It’s an expression synonymous with going to bed – we go to “get our beauty sleep” – but there is more to it than common turn of phrase.

Sleeping is the time our body uses to repair. It boosts our immune system, rests our weary bones and muscles, and allows our brain to focus its attention elsewhere whilst our conscious is taking a time-out. As part of the repair process, our skin produces collagen as we sleep. Collagen is the ultimate component to retaining skin firmness and elasticity. There are many non-surgical treatments that can stimulate collagen production and counteract the visible ageing process. A good sleep can certainly help.

We should aim to get as close as possible to, or in excess of 7 hours of sleep per night. When we don’t have enough sleep, we will notice dark circles beneath our eyes, dull skin, and puffy eyes. In addition to the stress associated with a lack of sleep, we ultimately accelerate the signs of ageing.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Everyday stresses are often unavoidable. In excess, they can affect our sleep, our mental health, and our motivation to partake in exercise and social events. Our face says it all, and our insides suffer too. Taking at least half an hour a day to ourselves, whether by meditating or sitting quietly with a book or colouring, we can reduce our stress levels significantly, allowing us to sleep easy, and submit our skin the revitalisation mechanisms that occur whilst we are blissfully unconscious.

We can’t stop time, but we can keep the signs of ageing at bay following these tips and lifestyle choices. If your confidence has taken a hit due to the ageing process, I can offer you a range of bespoke anti-aging treatments from my clinic in Hale, Altrincham. Welcoming and friendly, I am a fully trained aesthetic nurse with a discreet and personal approach with patients. Get in touch for your free consultation.


Reduce the Appearance of Scars and Take Back Control of Your Confidence with These Treatments

From accidents, ailments, skin conditions, most of us are living with scars. When these scars are noticeable – if only to us – they can have a negative impact on our self-esteem.

Affecting around 80% of us, acne is a common cause of scarring and particularly facial scarring. Acne is a skin condition that is commonly associated with teenagers. It occurs at the skin’s surface where sebaceous glands secrete sebum – a lubricant that prevents skin and hair from drying out. Sensitive to changes in hormones, these glands can go into overdrive, causing spots to form. However, acne can also occur in adults. Whatever the age, acne and the resulting scars can cause extreme stress and crush our confidence.

At my aesthetics clinic in Hale, Altrincham, I strive to put smiles back onto the faces of my patients by taking scars away. There are three main treatments that can reduce scarring:


One of the most effective treatments for reducing the appearance of scars, the Dermapen technique is referred to as skin needling. The concept is based on the skin’s automatic response to heal itself when damaged. The Derma FNS pen is made up of a series of small needles which make tiny holes in the surface of the skin. This process causes the skin to naturally release growth factors which encourages the breakdown of old collagen and the production of new collagen. Collagen is the protein that gives volume to our face; our ability to produce collagen decreases as we age, causing wrinkles and lines. Apply the same practice to scarring and the Dermapen lifts, tightens, and rejuvenates the skin thereby reducing the appearance of scars.

Click here to learn more about the Dermapen treatment, including procedure time and side effects.


When administered by a professional in aesthetic treatments, a chemical peel can be an effective course of action to reduce scarring. At KP Aesthetics we offer three chemical peels, however the most effective in reducing the appearance of scars is The Perfect Peel. The treatment is a blend of glutathione, kojic acid, retinoic acid, TCA, salicyclic acid, phenol and a blend of vitamins and minerals. The individual elements combine to exfoliate, resurface, and remodel the skin. Where scar tissue can be raised and discoloured, the chemical peel will smooth the skin and lighten dark pigmentation. Dead and damaged skin cells are removed and collagen and elastin stimulators applied within the peel’s chemical combination.

Read more about chemical peels at KP Aesthetics.

Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments can successfully combat scarring. Often referred to as the Vampire Facelift, a small sample of blood is taken from the patient and spun in a centrifuge to separate the sample into plasma and red blood cells. Injecting the gel-like plasma back into the skin stimulates collagen production. For this reason, the PRP treatment is often used as an anti-ageing procedure. The increased collagen production enables skin cells to rejuvenate, reducing the appearance of scarring and wrinkles by leaving smooth, even-coloured and even-textured skin. By using the patient’s own plasma, it is a very safe and effective treatment.

Learn more about PRP treatments.

Your free initial consultation will involve a one on one session where I assess your scarring and give you a number of treatment options that are best suited to your skin. Together we can create a treatment plan that is unique to you and your requirements. If you would like to take the first step in scar-free living, please get in touch.


Take Care of Your Skin from the Moment You Wake with this Morning Routine

For some of us, especially over the winter months, getting up in the morning can be tough. We are inclined to snooze our alarms for a few more minutes wrapped up in our warm duvets. When five minutes turns to ten and ten to fifteen we suddenly jump up, surrendering breakfast and our skincare routine to find our keys and run out of the door – with or without kids in tow.

With the lighter mornings, now is the best time to spring in to your day with a morning routine that cares for your complexion and enhances your natural glow, whilst helping to keep those creeping signs of ageing at bay! At my aesthetics clinic in Hale, Altrincham, I provide treatments for skincare problems and anti-ageing actions. Here I share what you should be doing from the get-go.


Do not underestimate the power of water. An amble supply of water is essential for your body’s general wellbeing and brain function, and a shortage of water will show on your face. De-hydration, which commonly occurs overnight, will cause dullness, dryness, and increase breakouts. Rather than reaching straight for the coffee, try to drink two glasses of water before you leave the house.


Most of us will think to cleanse before bed to remove oil and dirt, but morning cleansing has another purpose. As well as cleaning away any bacteria that builds up in the night or missed makeup, cleansing will increase circulation to the skin and clean away dead skin cells whilst preparing your face for absorption of daytime products.

Your cleanser should be specific to your skin-type. With normal skin, and cleanser will work. Those with dry and sensitive skin should stay away from foaming products and fragrances that can irritate. Instead try creamy balms and milks. If you have oily or acne prone skin, cleansers with a small percentage of glycolic or salicylic acid can help keep oil and bacteria at bay.


When it comes to facial exfoliation you do not need to be on the lookout for expensive gadgets, a clean cotton cloth will do the work. Use a circular motion to massage the skin. You may want to begin with the nose and work outwards to cover the whole face. As well as clearing dead skin cells, exfoliation will act to diminish facial swelling that often greets us in the morning mirror.

Be kind to your skin by rinsing with lukewarm water and pat dry with a clean towel that is used only for your face to prevent contamination.

Apply a Serum

Eyes may be the window to the soul, but they are also a mirror to ageing

When choosing an anti-ageing serums, look out for products that contain Retinol (Vitamin A), and this protein stimulates the production of collagen which is lost as we age. There are many anti-ageing treatments and products, and using a serum as part of your morning routine is an easy way to reduce the signs of ageing from home.

Moisturise and Stop Sun-Damage In Its Tracks

There are copious amounts of research projects conducted by dermatologists and medical professionals reporting evidence that proves sun damage is the ultimate catalyst to prematurely ageing skin – and serious skin diseases. Ensure that your daily moisturiser has at least SPF 15. Harmful UV rays can come through even on over-cast days. Plus, as is the beauty of British weather, we are often welcomed by all four seasons in one day.

Using a SPF moisturiser will ensure you are protected when you didn’t know you would need to be.

Remember; don’t use a moisturiser that is too heavy. It will clog up your pores and when used over a long period of time, your skin will compensate for the excess moisture, leading to dryness. Get in touch to discuss a skincare routine tailored to your skin-type or to find out about what treatments I can offer you to optimise your skincare and overall wellbeing.


Anti-Ageing Moisturisers – Do they Really Work?

Ageing is inevitable, and with ageing comes wrinkles. In magazines, television adverts, and online we are bombarded with the best of crow-eye and laugh-line busting solutions. The ever-promising miracle moisturisers have a global market estimated at around 200 billion dollars. We part with hundreds of pounds every year hoping to have well-judged faith in our favourite anti-ageing brand.

Other than the backing of high-profile celebs, and some buzzwords whose science most of us won’t understand, we eagerly put our trust into these pricy anti-wrinkle products without knowing if or how they actually work. With all of the debates and research around this, I want to share what I’ve found on anti-aging moisturisers.

Why Wrinkles Appear when Ageing

It all comes down to collagen. Collagen is the protein that retains the firmness of skin. As we age, we gradually stop producing collagen, causing our skin to sag, lose its luminosity and wrinkle. Anti-wrinkle moisturising treatments frequently shout out their collagen-stimulant properties. With so many products competing for a place in your bathroom cupboard, it is often tricky to distinguish scientific fact from advertising fiction.

Don’t be Fooled by Scientific Fluff

When we think about buying a new anti-aging moisturiser, we pick it up in the shop and read ‘Specially formulated with…’ followed by some jargon. Where ‘aqua’ is just water, ‘humectants’ are moisturisers, and ‘emollients’ means lotions and creams, it can be difficult to separate the good stuff from the, well, stuff. There are some ingredients to look out for including:

‘Retinol’ is a key component in an effective anti-wrinkle cream. It is an active form of Vitamin A – an essential vitamin in the production of collagen. We lose this vitamin gradually as we age so by adding it to your skin through an anti-aging treatment moisturiser we can encourage the production of collagen.

‘Anti-oxidants’ is an overhead term for a number of specific ingredients. In terms of skincare and anti-wrinkle products, look out for green tea extract, niacinamide, and resveratrol.

‘Pentapeptides’ are long-chain amino acids. The research on pentapeptides was initially done in relation to healing wounds and the skin’s natural response to that injury. These studies have since been widely published and show peptides as fundamental element in skin cell and collagen production.

Price Doesn’t Reflect Product Effectiveness

Good news. For those of us without the pocket to buy the latest lotions at £200 a pot, a normal everyday moisturiser can also work to help smooth out the appearance of wrinkles. Applying a cream adds moisture to your skin which can then be absorbed. As a result, the skin puffs up, reducing the depth of wrinkles without the price tag that comes with specialist ingredients.

Classification of Cosmetics

If anti-ageing creams could achieve the same result as a medical procedure, they would be marketed as prescription drugs and not cosmetics. Getting their concoctions onto the shelf would then take years of clinical tests and trials – plus licensing – meaning far more money plugged into the product. For this reason, we cannot hope for a total transformation and eradication of wrinkles from a moisturiser.

Should We Be Buying Anti-Ageing Moisturisers?

The general consensus from independent dermatologists and scientists is that using a moisturiser is a good thing, but don’t expect miracles, and spending £200 on a miracle moisturiser won’t necessarily make more of a difference than a £20 alternative.

We should also be careful with the ‘weight’ of the anti-ageing cream, and our skin-type. Over-hydrating the skin with a heavy moisturiser can prevent or decrease the skin’s natural production of moisture. A heavy moisturiser can also cause or worsen acne by holding dirt and bacteria in our pores.

The best preventative to ageing skin though is sun cream. UV light damages the collagen in our faces that only shade and sun cream can prevent. Sun damaged skin, and wrinkles that are forcing you into having bigger frown lines can be treated by methods other than moisturisers, and that don’t require cosmetic surgery. As an aesthetic nurse based in Manchester, I can help you combat the creases. To find out what anti-ageing treatment will work best for you, get in touch.


Why Intravenous Nutrient Therapy is the Energy Boost You Need This Spring

The long winter months can really take their toll on us mere mortals. Having plugged our energy into Christmas and New Year’s celebrations, combatted the inevitable runny noses that come from late nights and extremely unpleasant weather, it’s no surprise we find ourselves sitting somewhere between existence and exhaustion. Physically and emotionally, we’re in a sort of slump, needing an extra kick to spring back to life.

If you ever wonder how the stars stay so serene in their complexion and connected to their mental wellness, the chances are they too have tried the IV Vitamin Infusion by IntraVita. Notable celebs using the IV Vitamin Therapy include Brad Pitt, Madonna, Simon Cowell and Rhianna. Fully trained in IV Nutrient Therapy, I can bring LA sunshine and smiles to my aesthetic clinic in Hale, Cheshire.

What does the IV Vitamin Infusion Involve?

Vitamin supplements are a common go-to when we’re feeling a little lethargic. In fact, more than 1 in 3 people will take daily supplements to try to boost their energy levels. However, what the packets and bottles do not tell us is that only 15% of these nutrients may be absorbed by the bloodstream. The IV vitamin infusion combats this problem with a direct delivery of carefully combined vitamins into your bloodstream.

The vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are involved in the IV nutrient therapy are considered to be ‘Essential Nutrients’. As the name would suggest, these components are essential to life, but our bodies cannot synthesise it. Instead we absorb where possible through our food intake, though this can be less than we imagine with the existence of GM crops and processed food concentrating the shelves of our supermarkets.

A trained expert can use the IV Vitamin infusion to replace these essential nutrients in just 30-60 minutes; that’s the time it takes to do your weekly shop, drive home from work, go to the gym, or make a meal. The IV Vitamin Infusion isn’t some popular phase. IntraVita’s treatments have been thoroughly researched and developed by a team of prominent medical doctors, naturopathic doctors, and nutritionists. The resulting combinations of nutrients, vitamins and amino acids ensure maximum effectiveness with minimal side effects.

What Results Can you Expect from IV Nutrient Therapy?

Often referred to as a ‘wellness drip’, the IV vitamin infusion is a sure way to boost your overall well-being. The direct delivery of the ‘Essential Nutrients’ has seen patients begin to feel the re-energising effects during the treatment itself. It is the catalyst to revitalisation. By having a medical aesthetics professional replace your vitamin levels, your body is restored to its peak physical, mental, and emotional wellness. The IV Nutrient Therapy will leave you with that extra bounce in your step and smile in your eyes just in time for spring.

If you would like to find out more information about the Intravenous Nutrient Therapy or would like to make an appointment at KP Aesthetics, get in touch.


How to Keep Your Hands Looking Youthful for Longer

We all know how to take good care of our faces to keep the signs of ageing at bay, but it is easy to forget about our hands. Our hands go through a lot on a daily basis, and often it is our hands which reveal our true age.

Many aesthetic treatments that are used on the face can be used on the hands as well to improve the tone, texture and appearance of your skin. Prevention is always better than cure though, so give my top tips a go to keep your hands looking youthful for longer.

Use Sunscreen

Sun damage is one of the leading causes of premature ageing. Most people recognise the benefits of using an SPF product on their faces, but your hands need to be protected from the sun as well. Even when it isn’t sunny outside, UV radiation from the sun could still be damaging your skin.

Excess exposure to the sun’s UV rays can cause dark spots and uneven skin tone to develop, and this is often particularly noticeable on the hands. To reduce the risk of sun damage on your hands, use a broad-spectrum, high SPF sunscreen every day and remember to reapply sunscreen after washing your hands.

Don’t Forget to Moisturise

Regular hand washing, use of harsh soaps and detergents, and exposure to the elements mean our hands dry out much more frequently than other areas of skin. When your skin lacks moisture, it will look less firm, and lines and wrinkles will be more noticeable. On the hands, this often means that veins will become more visible and skin can appear crepey.

Moisturising regularly will help your skin stay hydrated, and looking firm and plump. Try to wear gloves when washing dishes or when exposed to cold, wet weather to reduce the risk of your skin drying out, and use a good hand cream after your hands are exposed to water.

Exfoliate Regularly

Just as you would exfoliate your face, regularly exfoliating your hands helps to give your skin a youthful appearance. Exfoliation promotes the cell renewal process by removing layers of dead, dull skin, and revealing a layer of new, healthy skin cells. Frequently using a gentle exfoliating product on your hands will improve the texture and tone of the skin, making it appear smoother, softer and more radiant.

Follow a Healthy Lifestyle

Living a healthy lifestyle helps damaged cells to repair themselves, which can reduce the signs of ageing on the skin. Alcohol, sugar and salt can all interfere with the cell renewal process, causing skin to appear dull and lines and wrinkles to appear more prominent.

Limiting your intake of these things and following a balanced diet will give your skin a good chance of repairing itself and appearing youthful for longer. In addition, drinking plenty of water will help keep your skin hydrated, which will make it appear firmer and reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

Harsh temperatures at this time of year can cause the skin on our hands to dry out and appear less youthful. In addition to these four tips you can try to restore youthful looking skin, there are many different aesthetic treatments available to reduce the appearance of the signs of ageing on your hands. Book your consultation today to discuss the best treatment options for you!